Reiki Support for Deeper Awareness Students:

To really practice means to practice everyday of your life and with this I don’t mean only hands on healing but meditating for at least 30 minutes a day on the precepts, the Japanese Reiki meditations or the symbols/mantras. Really practice.
— Frans Stiene


Hatsueri Ho – Reiki Meditation

One of the key elements of Reiki is that is supports us with connecting with our own spiritually; to our soul and therefore ultimately to our True Self.

Dr. Mikao Usui taught his students ‘Hatsurei Ho’: ‘Hatsu’ meaning to bring forth. ‘Rei’ meaning spirit and ‘Ho’ meaning method.

This is a Reiki meditation technique that helps in clearing and opening the energy levels in the process.

Hatsueri Ho is a traditional Japanese technique that helps to strengthen our connection to the flow of Reiki within the body. It is recommended to do this meditation exercise on a daily basis; to help support awareness of the Reiki.

Let’s begin….

Reiki shower technique:

As well as protecting, it is also necessary to cleanse your whole energy body (as well as physical body) every day. Often several times during the day too depending on how you are feeling, where you are or what/who you are surrounded by.

Below is an example called Reiki Shower Technique that you can use anywhere and anytime you feel you need it. 

It is used to cleanse yourself and your energy/aura.  It also helps centre and ground; raising consciousness and supporting you moving into a meditative state.