Reiki Mentoring:
“I went to see Victoria for Reiki mentoring. I had been ‘blocked’ about reiki for many years since not being able to bring myself to give my mum Reiki during the last months of her life. More recently I have been drawn back and have started giving myself Reiki. It was so wonderful to discuss all of this with Victoria and figure out where I go next with Reiki. Her kindness, understanding and genuine care just shines through. I immediately felt at ease and thoroughly enjoyed the session. Also, just being in space of Victoria’s room is healing in itself! I so grateful to Victoria and feel blessed to know her.”
What is the Reiki Mentoring?
Wherever you may be on your Reiki journey it can be helpful to have additional guidance or support; for you personally or for your business.
Reiki Mentoring is suitable for anyone attuned to Usui Reiki; regardless of your level / lineage.
An example of what can be covered is shown below:
A Refresher of aspects of Reiki Training and Teaching
To deepen your practice for self-development or Reiki learning
Learn more about Reiki
Support with starting a Reiki business
Incorporating Reiki into your lifestyle
Becoming a teacher etc
Sessions are bespoke and tailored to your individual needs; covering whatever aspects of Usui Reiki Training and Teaching.
I will share my experience and learning on my Reiki journey to support you.
“The Teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.”
There are 2 options available:
1 x 90 minutes 1-2-1 session - £150- BOOK HERE
1 x 60 minutes 1-2-1 sessions - £85- BOOK HERE
More ongoing support is also an option; we can discuss what you need
Sessions are face to face in my Healing Room in Milton Keynes or via Zoom; based on your location and preference.
To discuss, just get in touch via email at .
“Victoria has created a beautiful space and shares all her knowledge to support and help your Reiki journey”